Hair Care

Hair Care

Dr. R.Manickavasagam Skin & Cosmetic Clinic is a dermatology clinic, so hair loss assessment is geared towards working out the root cause of hair loss so a strategy can be tailored and individualised. Through proper assessment, we are able to offer a range of options to stimulate hair growth and reduce ongoing hair loss.

Depending on the cause of hair loss, procedures may include topical and oral therapies. One of our treatments activates stem cells for hair growth on the scalp. Whilst transplantation is the most heavily marketed way of addressing lost locks, regrowth is not a one-size-fits-all scenario.

Hair Fall Treatment

Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma or PRP is a natural product and treatment created from your own body. It involves obtaining a sample of your own blood for concentration and then separation of the red and white cells from the platelets and the plasma. Rich platelets containing growth factors are in this concentrated plasma. This is then re-administered into your skin at your appointment.

Low Level Light Therapy

It is a device with diode that emit infrared radiation which increases the blood flow in scalp and stimulate the hair growth.
